Butterfly Training has been awarded Top Innovative and Top Performer CBTA Center by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) for 2023.
DG Training by Air with Butterfly Training
Our DG Training is based on the Competency Based DG Training and Assessment model was developed over 5 years and became mandatory on the 1st January 2023, we at Butterfly Training were delighted to be part of IATA’s consultation team on the development and implementation of this new evolution of training.
Butterfly Training is delighted to announce that we were the first CBTA centre to be approved in Europe and also be issued with the CBTA Centre of Excellence accreditation in our first year.
You can purchase either our ICAO or IATA Certified courses through the links below. Our certification as CBTA Centre of Excellence by IATA, enables us to sell IATA certified DG training courses. DG training courses by air are tailored to each role as per the IATA Regulations based on the Appendix H competency model.
See our IAA and CBTA approvals here
DG Training by Air
ICAO Technical requirements
IATA CBTA Center Excellence

DG Online Training – available for the following roles:
Ramp and Warehouse Personnel 7.4 – DGR ICAO/EASA (previously Category 5)
DGR Training Category 5: Staff of freight forwarders involved in the handling, storage and loading of cargo or mail. Personnel must be trained or training must be verified prior to the person performing any of the these duties.
General Cargo Acceptance Personnel 7.2 – DGR ICAO/EASA (previously Category 7)
DGR Training Category 7: Operator’s and ground handling agent’s staff accepting cargo or mail (other than dangerous goods). Personnel must be trained or training must be verified prior to the person performing any of the these duties.
DGR Training Category 8: Operator’s and ground handling agent’s staff involved in the handling, storage and loading of cargo or mail and baggage. Personnel must be trained or training must be verified prior to the person performing any of the these duties.
Passenger Handling Personnel 7.5 – DGR ICAO/EASA (previously Category 9)
*DGR Training Category 9: Passenger handling staff. Personnel must be trained or training must be verified prior to the person performing any of the these duties.
Flight operations officers & flight dispatchers 7.8 – ICAO/EASA (previously Cat. 10)
Target Audience: Flight operations officers/flight dispatchers. Personnel must be trained or training must be verified prior to the person performing any of the these duties.
Load planner 7.6 – DGR ICAO/EASA (previously Category 10)
Target Audience: Loadmasters, load planners. Personnel must be trained or training must be verified prior to the person performing any of the these duties.
Flight Crew 7.7 – DGR ICAO/EASA (previously Category 10)
Target Audience: Flight crew members. Personnel must be trained or training must be verified prior to the person performing any of the these duties
Flight Crew 7.7 – DGR ICAO/EASA (previously Category 10)
Target Audience: Flight crew members. Personnel must be trained or training must be verified prior to the person performing any of the these duties.
Cabin Crew 7.9 – DGR ICAO/EASA (previously Category 11)
Target Audience: Crew Personnel (excluding flight crew).
Description: Provides crew personnel (excluding flight crew) with knowledge of dangerous goods, labels and handling. Personnel must be trained or training must be verified prior to the person performing any of the these duties.
Security personnel 7.10 – DGR ICAO/EASA (previously Category 12)
DGR Training Category 12: Security staff who deal with the screening of passengers and their baggage and cargo or mail, e.g. security screeners, their supervisors and staff involved in implementing security procedures
Ramp and Warehouse Personnel 7.4 – DGR ICAO/EASA Category 14 no carry
Provides Operators and Handling Agent personnel involved in the handling, storage and loading of merchandise, mail, supplies and baggage with knowledge of dangerous goods, labelling and handling.
Passenger Handling Personnel 7.5 – DGR ICAO/EASA Category 15 no carry
Provides Operators and Handling Agent personnel involved in the handling, storage and loading of merchandise, mail, supplies and baggage with knowledge of dangerous goods, labelling and handling.
Flight ops, load planner & flight crew 7.7 – ICAO/EASA Cat. 16 no carry
Target Audience: Flight crew members, loadmasters, load planners and flight operations officers/flight dispatchers. Personnel must be trained or training must be verified prior to the person performing any of the these duties.
Cabin Crew 7.9 – DGR ICAO/EASA Category 17 no carry
Target Audience: Crew Personnel (excluding flight crew) at Non Carry Air Carriers.
Description: Provides crew personnel (excluding flight crew) with knowledge of dangerous goods, labels and handling.
Learn more
Here are some referral links to UK national civil aviation bodies that provide information and guidance on dangerous goods transportation:
- Irish Aviation Authority (IAA): The IAA is the Ireland’s independent aviation regulator. They oversee and regulate all aspects of civil aviation, including the transportation of dangerous goods. For more information, visit their website Irish Aviation Authority
- Department of Transport (DoT): The DoT is responsible for the transportation policies and regulations in the Ireland. They provide guidance and information on the transportation of dangerous goods by all modes, including air transport. Visit their website for more details Department of Transport
- Irish Aviation Authority Dangerous Goods Information: The IAA provides specific guidance and resources for the transportation of dangerous goods by air. They offer training programs, publications, and support to ensure compliance with international regulations. To access their information, visit IAA DG Information