Baggage Reconciliation Training

Butterfly Training has been awarded Top Innovative and Top Performer CBTA Center by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) for 2023. Baggage Reconciliation Training Baggage Reconciliation Training UE 2015/1998
Course Code 11-2-3-8-IE-EN-SB
Prerequisites: Good understanding of English.
Description: Theoretical training only, please contact us to arrange the mandatory on the job and practical training.
Description Target Group: All staff dealing with check-in and boarding of passengers. All personnel dealing with handling, protection and loading of hold baggage and implementing security control (baggage reconciliation)
Training Language: English
Duration: 1,5 to 2 hours
Final Test: The trainee must pass, with a grade of 85% or higher, a multiple choice test to complete Baggage Reconciliation Training. All trainees are given two attempts to pass the test
Certification: The trainee will receive his/her certificate as soon as he/she has successfully passed the final test
Validity: 3 years
Course Outline
- Knowledge of previous acts of unlawful interference with civil aviation, terrorist acts and current threats
- Awareness of the relevant legal requirements
- Knowledge of the objectives and organisation of aviation security, including the obligations and responsibilities of persons implementing security controls
- Ability to respond appropriately to the detection of prohibited articles
- Knowledge of emergency response procedures
- Knowledge of passenger and baggage reconciliation requirements and techniques; Knowledge of protection requirements for air carrier materials used for passenger and baggage processing
- Understanding of the configuration of the screening checkpoint and the screening process
- Awareness of access control and relevant screening procedures
- Knowledge of airport identification cards used at the airport
- Knowledge of reporting procedures
- Ability to respond appropriately to security related incidents.
Teaching resources :
- Training material available online
- Exercises and self-assessment MCQs available on the site
- Asynchronous remote tutoring is available by e-mail in the event of particular learning difficulties, using the “Contact us” form.
To find out more :
European regulatory framework:
Regulation (EU) No 2015/1998, of 28 October 2015, amending Regulation (EU) No 181/2011, as regards aviation security measures.
Annex III to Regulation (EU) No 2015/1998: Basic elements of initial airport security training.
EU regulatory framework:
Order of 11 September 2013 amending the order of 29 June 2010 on security measures at airports.
Annex 1 to the Order of 11 September 2013: Initial airport security training programme.
Useful websites: